Monday, November 3, 2008

"We", the Outsiders of America,"Vote for Change".

PART 1: "We", the Outsiders of America,"Vote for Change".

"Barack Obama: he chose as his pastor a man who blamed the US for the 9/11 attacks. Does that sound like someone who should be president?" the ad said.

McCain's camp in my opinion is greatly mistaken. Obviously, they have not seen "New York, New York" and "L.A., L.A." released by their East versus West Coast rappers. And even they have the decency to show respect to their own pastors or mothers who plead to stop war. "Connection, connection, connection, blame, blame, blame, hate, hate, hate," McCain, get real, stop the blame game, or we know, as outsiders, your strategy if you are elected to office.

Fox News is one-sided favoring the McCain's camp.

The voting system edging on technology or "trick"nology. We all know Al Gore lost to an invisible hand behind a tainted voting system. Will Obama be next? Worse still, can the voting button be programmed to forfeit 1 vote for every 3 votes pressed? After all, Oprah Winfrey's complaint on the voting button had to be based on solid ground. Actually, personally, i believe in impartial news who report two sides of the same coin from two different perspective. ACORN versus OPRAH! Hello America! We are educated enough to unsubscribe Fox News from our cable if we are not Republicans' supporters. Hey! Why did i even mention that? Ain't news suppose to be newsworthy and value-free? Yes, in this case, value-less news. And yes, we have other sources of news, other than American sponsored news. And after the incident in US military-run detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, we find it hard to listen to any American news, or human rights preaching coming out of America.

The world it seems, it positioned and opinionated in such a manner that it is "US" versus the "Rest of the World".

While the term "terrorist" might be explicitly true seen from the eyes of America, but seen from outside, it can be used as a blanket term, or seen as a convenient truth. While the so-called terrorist fought against the idea of democracy, capitalism and a traditional way of life under their own unsavory means, which human beings anywhere would not have condoned. Hence, America "war on terror" is justified in that sense but only if they separate the political activists and agendas from the blanket term of terrorist or one day, green peace activists might even be classified as terrorists. America continues with its desire to be the "World Cop" with discrimination only. For instance, nothing much is done about the Hutu an Tutsi ethnic cleansing because there is no benefit in store. America strives to be the world...Turn the table around; it is time to be the "World Leader" when it comes to the issue of oil. America suddenly seems so upright and righteous forgetting they are from the country with their gas-guzzlers 5 litres car where elsewhere is powered by 1-2 litres car. It ain't hard to spot the hypocrisy as an outsider, we know about the Afghanistan spin-off of the terrorist groups from its training days by Americans themselves. The cold-war is even better in Korea. Not forgetting the over-zealous democratized Russia, engineering its "own" collapse. Meanwhile, the Chinese watched, observed, studied and learn'ed' to beat America in it own game since we know cooperation with America is not possible from the Moscow experience.

For a start, please recall your military stations and navy from naval bases stationed outside America, which made America look like Axis Power.

America, listen up, the world does not belong to you only. The earth, like air, belongs to everyone. Global warming affects us all, and not just America. And it is time like this we need a poet like Obama, whose humility as your own leader. Whose "blackness" on the outside tells us that America is not a racist nation (this goes out to the non-black folks who claim lips support for Obama), whose "softness" can be seen as not so arrogant state to come. Majority of the American is not well travelled yet arrogance is deemed almost an American thing. In short, it ain't hard to spot an American compared to an European. While we know there are humble Americans out there, somehow it all changes when the one that sticks out like sore thumb hopes his or her confidence is not mistaken as arrogance.Their best bet, a leader who is not arrogant, and representing them. We are waiting for change. And no, no change is going to come out of McCain's win as America is going to stay the same. And yes, an Obama's win is going to change all that, merely by representing, even if everything stays the same. At least, we know the American might be sincere this time round. We want the real, righteous, respected American heroes we see in World War II back, in politics with a democratic stance.

America needs a man who is every-man soul underneath his black skin tone and not just a white man burden, carrying "Every Colors Men Burden".

Hi Obama, your claims to be a black man, white man and even purple man convince us you look beyond skin colors to represent every-man equally and not simply by a decree kept in a museum. These are our following requests. Stop portraying all the anti-Americans as terrorists under a blanket term. Stop quoting God, we are tired of Armageddon and religious fervor. Stop sensationalizing the news from American perspective. There are American bombs attacks outside the date of 9/11 and outside New York City that deserve equal sympathy and empathy. We like more super-heroes coming out of America who are, not just white people in marvel or DC comics. Sorry, Will Smith as Hancock does not cut it. So, more black, Hispanic and Asian super-heroes please, without their stereotypical portrayal, so said Edward W. Said.

Perhaps then, we the Outsiders have to change for the better as well. After all, it is better to be influenced than imposed.