Wednesday, September 12, 2007

War and Terrorism

“What’s the difference between war and terrorism?

War and terrorism are often two sides of the same coin. They always pay each other back in the same coin. And they are trying to get us to use their currency.

They always dress up as the goody two-shoes but in truth, they are Siamese twins. They will stir you up with their own beautiful words. And when you are not wary, they will bring bite with double the usual venom. And anywhere with a beautiful garden is bound to have one-two many lurking around.

They don’t speak for our ideology and majority of the moderates. So we like to see them stop fighting and above all, see them French kiss and make up.”

Now a round up on George Bush and Osama. Both are often inferring God against each other. At times, it seems to spiral into a kids-like spat of “my god against yours”. Let’s see who’s god is better than the other?

The latest godly demand is that America drops the whole idea of capitalism and converts to Islam.

The differences here in my opinion lies in the idea of imposition and influence. Anyone ought to be allowed to practice whatever religion pleases him or her. I am sorry I omit the racism, sexism, “class-ism” and lots of “ism” inequalities in between and make a “leap of faith” statement. All religions generally teach us to be good people and do well in general. But I also think that atheist in general shouldn’t be discriminated! But this is totally another issue altogether.

The America demand will be - I want to dominate the world politics and economic as the number one superpower. So please allow me to continue to use your countries as bases for our air forces or naval. If not, I will sanction you in the name of Calvinism! Your country export goods will not be imported! You will not get financial aid from our country! Your country does not have human rights unless you lead our way of life! Listen to us immediately and allow “US” to baptize you in the name of democracy and all’s well end well. And we may even consider selling you our unregulated arms, so you have extra hands in the raping and plundering of different ethnic women. Of different conquered states like Genghis Khan!

Now slowly, but really, we approach the arm issues in America. The sales of firepower to selected nations to neutralize or create an offset of balance of power are anyone guess. The main issue of capitalism is about the manipulation of resources. And if we examine the trade from a resource point of view, Osama’s men are actually involved in capitalist trade! On top of the ransom to free the Korean hostages, of course. I guess these are all rather “uncapitalistic” and “unreligious” only in the face of a higher cause. A hypocrisy popularized by the Americans now has a new face.

What goes around, comes around. And what’s the difference? Tell me, I implode you, I implore you…

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